Italian cuisine and wines, renowned all over the world,

are the result of a long tradition that blends

the richness of the land with the people’s savoir-faire and creativity.

That is why both gastronomy and oenology are part of the Italian cultural heritage.

The Istituto Italiano di Cultura is pleased to organize

“A journey of Italian wine and food”

With a special tasting of wine from Pompei re-established from ancient vines


Dalia Masia (sommelier)

Dishes prepared by Liliana Novellino


– Bollicine: Franciacorta (Lombardy)

– Vermentino di Sardegna (Sardinia)

– Pinot Grigio friulano (Friuli)

– Rosso Langhe (Piedmont)

– Vino di Pompei (Campania): Wine from Pompei kindly offered by H.E. the Ambassador of Italy)

– Moscato dolce frizzante (Piedmont)

Gastronomic specialities to be tasted with the wines:

– Formaggi e salumi (cheeses and cold cuts)

– Lasagne al pesto (Lasagna with pesto sauce)

– Melanzane alla parmigiana (Aubergine cooked with parmesan cheese)

– Pastiera napoletana (Neapolitan cake)

On Thursday, 10th June from 6 to 8pm at the

Italian Institute of Culture

Grenadier Tower – 5th floor

(opposite Jacaranda Hotel – Westlands)

K.Shs. 2.500/- (Advance booking on payment)


Vino e Cibo italiano a Nairobi…Testimonianza autentica della straordinaria capacità di fascinazione che l’enogastronomia riesce a conservare nonostante i venti di crisi che spirano in questi ultimi tempi! Ringraziamo l’amica Dalia Masia, sommelier master class, per averci segnalato l’evento…(T.L)